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Puellam laeta cantat.
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Puellae laetam cantat.
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Puella laeta cantat.
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Liber magistri est pulcher.
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Magister librum est pulcher.
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Liber magistro pulcher est.
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Marcus donum amico dat.
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Amicus donum Marco dat.
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Marcus amicum dono dat.
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Ludus amamus.
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Amat ludum.
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Ludum amo.
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O amici, audite me!
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O amico, audit me!
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Audite amicum!
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Gladiis pugnat.
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Gladio pugnat.
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Pugnat gladiis.
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Roma, urbs aeterna, est magnifica.
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Urbs Roma magnifica est.
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Roma, aeterna urbs, magnifica est.
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Domus patris magna est.
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Patris domum magnum est.
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Domus patre magnus est.
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Puella rosas dat.
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Puellae rosam do.
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Puella rosam dant.
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Laudamus imperator Caesar.
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Caesarem laudamus imperatori.
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Caesarem imperatorem laudamus.
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O deae, praebet auxilium!
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O deae, auxilium praebete!
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O dea, auxilium praebemus!
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Timorem fugam.
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Timore fugit.
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Fugit timori.
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La bellezza del discorso dei poeti è grande.

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Poetarum sermo pulchrum est.
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Sermonis poetarum pulchritudo magna est.
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Sermonem poetarum pulcher est.
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Lavorano per la terra degli agricoltori.

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Agricola terras labore.
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Agricolarum terris laborant.
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Agricolae terrae laborant.
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Romam natus est.
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Natus est Romae.
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Roma natus est.
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